BeReal with TheRealHoney: Always be these

November 16, 2016

In this life of ours, you must be grateful for your smartness, you better be clean, true to self and others, stay humble and very prayerful.

In everything give thanks, your heart must be willing and open to say I am grateful for it all. In thanksgiving, more is received.

Being smart is another thing I wonder how we will survive if we aren't smart. If you don't know the next action to take, the right answer to give, the best way to fix things and respond and then the most important ways to resolve things, then how will you slay??

Cleanliness is next to godliness, even the bible recognises that. You have to be clean. Shave properly, use the sweetest brands of deo and perfumes, keep your clothes clean, and stay clean. You must not have all the money but you can be clean.

Be True,  let your no be no, and your yes be yes. Don't complicate issues.  Instead keep quiet.

Think Humility. It is priceless. It takes you to heights you can never imagine. It's not that you act low, or think low. Instead you see yourself as low, and God higher. Never see yourself like you have arrived. Keep hustling, keep improving and keep the fire burning but never think you are irreplaceable!! The moment you get that into your skull, you start going down. It gets you to the point where instead of improving on the person you think you have become, you end up trying to maintain the person you have become, thereby remaining on a steady standard and network. That doesn't work.

Prayer, every great person recognises the importance of prayer. Prayer is key to the heart of men and the heart of God. You must have time to communicate with your creator because he supercedes every thing on this earth.

In praying, don't forget to stay faithful.

Always be grateful, smart, clean, true, humble and prayerful.

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