Hair Crowns: Top Gorgeous Braids For A Fab Perfect Season

November 16, 2016


Meet Shanilia, @shanillia26 on IG
I bet you be wondering what kind of braid this is! Well it is braids. Made of attachments and hair rings. Your hairdresser will know better.


Quite popular. This is bold twisted braids with a side part weave. Check her out on IG @yinkabokinni


Anyone can be on braids, white or black, foreign or local, Anyone! Braids ain't no racist. This is a hands up weaved braid. It's called "Shuku" by some Africans, China's Gracii rocked it.
@gracii3 on IG


Flawless, ever clean and gorgeous. This is the tiny twisted braids. Long enough to drop on that waist. 


Colourful braids are up this season, they make you love that colour you are in more. This is the bold spaced braids, meet @tigguhh_


Your braids can be a different colour from your skin colour. Just choose the right opposite colour. Gels are a perfect blend for braids.


An oval face with full bold, tight braids!! Slayage. If you look closely, the green cover is braided. Imagine it is dropped on the black braids. Well, gold hair rings are precious. Meet @_iammirabel


Who said you can't be cuter than Nigeria's Flavour.
You can get a sweet cut at the lower part of your hair. Then braid the top. Who knows, you can be cuter this season. 


Every makeup artist knows the perfect look for a perfect face beat. Cornrows are forever. The weather will be pretty hotter soon. Cornrows are a good touch. Meet makeup artist @makeupmariaaa_


She is African. The skin glow, the strong yet tender look on her chin. She is a braid gangster. You have to be African with the Center Parted Ghana braids with a garnish of traditional beads and cowries. Meet @lasaina


Imagine if everything had beautiful two sides. Coloured tips always look fab. Purple and Blue tips on a black braid starter. Meet @kinkycoilyqueen


Fashion is what you buy, style is what you so with it. It doesn't stop at getting the attachments, it stops at the style you used the add ups to create. Meet @milankylahjo


This is different. The person who created this braid style should be given an award. To sit down and make up a length this long, you are amazing. In case you thinking of creating braids this long, start now to make it.
Meet @nerissanefeteri
In a tweet with this great one, she told us this

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